Behaviour Modification & Problem Solving

Does your dog have a Behavioural Problem that can’t be addressed as part of a Group Class?

Behavioural issues can vary greatly from dog to dog and require the assistance of a qualified trainer who is able to identify the issues and develop a suitable training plan with you.

Some common behavioural issues include (just naming a few!)

Barking Escaping Reactivity
Aggression Resource Guarding Hyperactivity
Separation Anxiety Sibling Rivalry Handling Issues
Fears and Phobias Submissive Urination Timidity/Socialisation

Crazy K9s believe that Positive methods give Positive results so training your dog should be fun and rewarding. Our training techniques are effective and easy to implement so your dog will learn in a positive and nurturing environment.


How are Private Lessons charged?

That depends on the severity of your dog’s issues, and the training method you choose (based on how much time you have to commit to training). A Crazy K9s trainer will attend an Initial Consultation with you to view and discuss your dog’s behavioural problems. During the consultation our trainer will be able to better advise you in regards to duration of training and costs involved.

Typically, Daily and Weekly sessions generally cost $150.00 per hour in the Brisbane Area. Boarding & Training varies greatly depending on the training requirements and duration but usually costs around $200.00 per day.

 *Crazy K9s offers discounts for prepaid training packages.


 What to expect from a Private Lesson?

Crazy K9s structure private lessons to suit your budget, needs and availability.

 Weekly Sessions (1-2 hours)

Crazy K9s trainer will attend a weekly session with you to implement your custom training plan and teach you how to modify your dog’s behaviour. You will be provided with Training Sheets and Goals to continue with in between sessions.

Weekly sessions are recommended for such issues as:
Housetraining / Soiling
Separation Anxiety
Fear Aggression / Timidity
Boredom & Destructive Behaviours (eg: digging, chewing, escaping, barking)

Weekly sessions are the cheapest option for Private Training however they do require a high commitment by you (and other family members). Success is directly related to achieving your training goals each week as determined by your trainer and maintaining your enthusiasm to working with your dog, without this progress is often slow.

Daily Sessions (1 hour each)

Crazy K9s trainer will attend 3-5 sessions a week with your dog at home to address your concerns and will also have one session with you each week to demonstrate your dog’s progress and teach you the necessary skills to maintain the training in the long-term.

Daily sessions are recommended for such issues as:

  • General obedience
  • Puppy training
  • Most problem behaviours

Daily sessions generally provide faster results and are an effective form of training your dog. You do not have to be home during the training sessions; however you will need to be available for one session each week to be updated on your dog’s progress.

Boarding & Training (1-4 weeks)

Your dog will stay at Crazy K9s for training and behaviour modification. Once the initial training is complete, follow up consults are booked with you to demonstrate your dog’s ability and teach you how to maintain the level of training to ensure long term results.

Boarding & Training is recommended for such issues as:

  • General obedience
  • Most problem behaviours
  • Last Resort” training (where previous training attempts have been unsuccessful)

Boarding & Training is the most effective form of training but it is also the most expensive.


Let’s get started!

The first step is to book an Initial Consultation. A Crazy K9s trainer will meet with you and your dog to observe and discuss behaviours, get a history of your dog and discuss the best method of training and management techniques to get you started.

The consultation takes 1-2 hours and is $220.00 pre-paid in the Brisbane Area.